Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Leaders vs. Managers

Or are they just the same thing...

A big common misconception in the professional world is that managers are by definition leaders. I have learned through Pharmacy School and my outside involvement that they are in fact VERY different roles. What makes them different you ask? Let's list it out..


Managers are in charge of a group of people. They tend to be more task oriented. There goal and end game tends to be more transactional. Managers do things to get them right. They are more about the money and getting their team to do things the right way to do them. 


Leaders do many things: inspire, lead change, honesty, confidence, humility, creative, charismatic, have passion, build relationships and many other things. Leaders have people who chose to follow them. These followers make the leaders mission valid and supported. A leader is concerned about fostering the growth of people and not just about the bottom line.

I have had many bosses and I have had bosses who were strictly managers and others that truly are leaders. They CAN over lap, but they are NOT mutually exclusive. Both leaders and managers are important to have in order to get things accomplished. The big thing is that there is a distinction between the two. A person who displays leadership may be more likely to be promoted to manager roles because of their abilities.

Monday, October 13, 2014

We all have fears...

Big fears, small fears, rational fears and irrational fears. We all handle our fears the way we can. We avoid, or maybe we face them. That is what I am doing through Pharmacy School. I am using my daily activities in Pharmacy School to conquer a fear; the fear of public speaking.

I have always had a fear of standing in front of a room full of people with all eyes on me. I would start to sweat, my face would burn up and my hands would shake. Even if the audience was only a few people, the fear was the same.

I would have to spend days amping myself up and preparing for the horror. I tried the common methods: picture everyone in their underwear, look above someones head instead of in their eyes, take deep breaths.  None of those seemed to calm my nerves. So, how would I face this fear? 

I chose to start small. When the teacher would ask if anyone had questions I would raise my hand and ask my question. I would participate in class when the teacher asks a question of us. I would speak up during our small problem solving class when it was my group's turn to present. All these were little first steps to help shake the fear of public speaking. By slowly easing myself in to getting comfortable speaking in front of the class then it would start easing me into presenting projects. 

Then when it would come time to presenting to the class I would use preparation to calm my fear. I would practice the presentation in front of my boyfriend or roommate. Here I would get used to saying the information to an audience. I would have them ask me question so that I would be prepared for whatever was thrown at me in the class. These little things helped me.

I guess for me the best way to conquer my fear was to ease myself in and prepare. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Here Goes Nothing....

I have never even thought of writing a blog and my first thoughts are: who will read this? Who cares what I have to say? What will I even write about? 

In the world of Pharmacy School all I seem to have time for is class. My planner is a constant reminder of all the things that I do not have time for. Every minute of every day is scheduled, so I am making it my mission to find the balance. And that is where the title for my blog originated. I want to be more than just my major. How will I do this? Let's start out with a little more about me.

I am 21 year old pharmacy major from North Jersey (the lack you"New" is a trait of people from the "North"). I came to UCONN over Rutgers which is ALWAYS the first question people ask me when I say I am from Jersey. No, I did not want to go to Rutgers Pharmacy School and yes, I do love it here. I am involved in a Panhellenic Sorority as well as a Professional Fraternity and other pharmacy based organization. But, the main thing you should know about me is that my family is my main priority. 

Above: Here is my Dad, Chris, brother, Michael, and Mom, Nancy, at my little brother's high school graduation. 

My beautiful, perfect amazing family also includes my Puggle, CoCo, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and the "family" friends. I am a self-described home body and my best friend in the world is my mom. 

Now back to writing this blog.... I probably would not be writing this if not for the LEADERS Track, but I do want to make the best of it. Leadership has always been an area I find interesting. My goal is to integrate leadership into balancing my life; into being more than just a "Future Pharm. D."